When the lawyer Giuseppe Mori began planting his first vineyard in Montalcino in the seventies, his two sons Andrea and Alessandro also showed great interest in his project. However, while Andrea later embarked on a legal career, Alessandro developed into a thoroughbred winemaker. With devotion and sensitivity to Tuscany, with its luxuriant nature and great agricultural products, he has developed his little-known historical small business Il Marroneto, situated around a medieval watchtower, into one of the most important producers of Brunello full of character in the north-western and therefore rather cooler part of the famous cultivation area.


Alessandro Mori is supported in his work by the creative soul of the company, Lucia Nannetti, and the cellar manager Maurizio Valeriani. The management of the vineyards, which occupy only six hectares, is based on a traditional and minimalist philosophy. The plants are influenced as little as possible by human hands and are not treated with herbicides or conventional pesticides. The vines on the almost 400-metre-high slopes of Montosoli, which surround the estate in a continuous manner, are arranged so generously on sandy soils that each plant has sufficient space for good root penetration.


From a stylistic point of view, Il Marroneto’s drops, produced in a small number of bottles, are classic, very elegant and rich in aroma, without being over-concentrated. With a few new plots at lower altitudes, the exquisite wines of the Tuscan jewel that has been producing Brunello di Montalcino since the 1980 vintage have become even more complex over time.


Alessandro Mori carefully follows every step from harvesting to bottling. Both the traditionally vinified vintage wine and the Cru Madonna delle Grazie, named after a medieval chapel, mature in the cellar expanded in the 1990s in large barrels from Slavonia and Allier. The careful work of the Il Marroneto winery, known far beyond the borders of Italy, has of course not remained hidden from influential wine critics. The Madonna delle Grazie vineyard wine, for example, was produced by the „wine pope“ Robert Parker journalist Monica Larner for the first time.

Osnovni podaci:

Alesandro Mori
Godina osnivanja
Alesandro Mori i Iacopo Mori
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26.000 boca
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Alessandro Mori
Godina osnivanja
Alesandro Mori i Iacopo Mori
Godišnja proizvodnja
26.000 boca
6 hektara
Web sajt


Montalćino, Toskana

Romantični srednjevekovni toskanski gradić, Montalćino (Montalcino), okružen brdima i gustom šumom nalazi se oko 80 km južno od Firence. Tlo, nadmorska visina i bujna topografija čine Montalcino idealnim domom za grožđe Sanđoveze (Sangiovese) i najpoznatije vino tog kraja, Brunello di Montalcino.

Iako je geografski i kulturološki sličan regiji Kjanti (Chianti), Montalcino ima peskovitije tlo i više krečnjaka od onog na severu. U najsevernijim delovima, mikroklima je hladnija. Širom regije zasađeni su vinogradi na nadmorskoj visini od 300 do 500 metara; zbog strmih terasa na kojima se nalaze, veliki deo berbe vrši se ručno.

Prvi zapisi o crvenim vinima iz Montalcina datiraju iz ranog 14. veka. Međutim, stil kakav danas poznajemo nastao je tek 1870-ih, neposredno nakon stvaranja jedinstvene talijanske države.

Brunello je deminutiv reči Bruno („smeđi“), je nastalo kao ime koje je opisivalo izgled bobica sorte za koju se ranije smatralo da je individualna i koja se uzgajala samo u Montalćinu. 1879. Amfelografska komisija provincije Siena utvrdila je, nakon nekoliko godina kontrolisanih eksperimenata, da su Sangiovese i Brunello ista sorta grožđa, odnosno utvrđeno je da ke Brunello zapravo klon sorte Sangiovese i pravi naziv mu je Sangiovese Grosso.

Vina vinarije Il Marroneto

  • Brunello di Montalcino 2019

    11.960 RSD
  • Brunello di Montalcino Madonna delle Grazie 2019

    43.460 RSD